
2 years ago
@Skrolk Aw, thanks! I hope you have a great one as well! 💕


2 years ago
@Eager2Color Oh. Just whatever score I have at the end of the quarter is my final letter grade


2 years ago
@🎄Reindeer Conspiracy🦌 Yeah that’s how it was most of my life until this year. It sucks. 😔


2 years ago
@Eager2Color aw thank you so much 💕


2 years ago
@Eager2Color Well, I have traveled quite a bit, but I don't think I have ever been anywhere that I have thought of as absurd. Perhaps places that I've been to once, and don't need to see again, like Aruba. Beautiful water, just the most amazing color of blue, but so far south that it's practically touching South America, and it was so hot and humid that I developed a rash on my body that didn't go away for months!! So did another woman I was traveling with! Lol.


2 years ago
@Eager2Color I've also always loved to write, and I encourage you to keep a journal about your experiences. Ask me any questions you have, I don't mind. Be observant, take in your surroundings, "people watch"; use your time in college to take classes in things that could make you a better writer/observer, like psychology, history, world religions, politics, sociology, art history- subjects that weave together all societies past and present and future. Whatever interests you!🙂❤💯


2 years ago
@andriavanb Oh my goodness! That’s incredible! I just looked up that place and it’s beautiful. I’ve always wanted to go to Bora Bora and Aruba looks much like it. Thank you so much for all the tips on writing! This helps me immensely. I appreciate it friend! ❤️😄


2 years ago
@Eager2Color Big tip for a future writer/adventurer: don't know what year of college you're in, but if it's not too late, seriously consider doing a semester, or better, a year studying abroad. It will make you a far more seasoned traveler, a better citizen of the world, and it will greatly widen your horizons. There will most likely never be another chance in your lifetime where you can so easily live in another country of your choosing and immerse yourself in another culture/ language.


2 years ago
@Eager2Color I did it for a year, and it was the single biggest adventure of my life. The memories, friendships, growth, travel, and understanding I gained about myself and the world were and remain PRICELESS. Was it scary? Yes. Was it confusing? Yes. Would I do it all over again? A thousand times, yes!!! I'm still considered an alumna of the university I attended, they still stay in touch with me very regularly!


2 years ago
@Eager2Color Those connections alone give me access to people and institutions all over that country and all over it's continent through their alumni! Think what that could mean for you during your career and your writing! Possibilities are endless.😀😉


2 years ago
@andriavanb Wow, I hadn’t even considered that. I still have a few years to come in my schooling, so I will definitely have to consider that idea. Studying abroad and writing are two things that would definitely pair well together! I’ve always dreamed of traveling around the world, all while writing memorable stories and pieces. I’m sure what you suggested would be very helpful. Thank you so much, I’ll have to look into that option.


2 years ago
@andriavanb Something that I’ve taken notice about myself is that I’m very open minded when it comes to diversity. I’m not necessarily saying that others aren’t, but a lot of the world could use stories and experience. Our world is in pieces, I’m hoping people will find a way to unite and put it back together. I think a way to do that would to be to understand more about the people around us. If someone were to write a novel or a…I don’t even know what to call it…I feel as if it would…


2 years ago
@andriavanb …immensely help influencing those around us. As I grow up and older I hope to publish novels, poems, articles…all of the works! Now, because like I said previously, experience is needed, I can’t exactly do that. Hopefully with your tips I’ll be able to gather the experience to help inspire others around me. Actually, considering that you have all this amazing information and experience, you should be writing stories! You sound like someone who could create incredible things!


2 years ago
@andriavanb (Sorry this is so long 😂) So as I was saying, do you have anything published. You could probably inspire many young, soon to be authors like myself. It sounds like you’ve had a heck of a life, what if you wrote about your experiences? Well, don’t let me get carried away. If you ever decide to publish a book, I’ll be the first to purchase and read it 😂 Thank you so much again for your helpful insight and wisdom. You make me feel special and appreciated, I’m so grateful I met you. ❤️


2 years ago
Eager... my mom has COVID. 😩 I just feel like we’re starting all over again. no nausea, cold symptoms. but extreme fatigue. she is wearing a mask around us and not eating around us.


2 years ago
Lol, I am rereading the comments for your last post and @andriavanb we have the same situation.


2 years ago
@Eager2Color Your thoughts and the way your mind works are delightful, hopeful, and mature for a very young adult. You remind me so much of my college roommate who became my best friend. She was born in Singapore, lived in Japan until junior high school, then Canada, then the States. She was still learning English when we met. Then she started learning Mandarin Chinese. She studied abroad in China. After college she worked in Japan, and now she is back in Singapore. She spoke Japanese too.


2 years ago
@sunny days Let me know if there's any way I can support you. It's an awful situation. My mom is finally over COVID, and back to just dealing with her cancer situation.


2 years ago
@Eager2Color No, I never published anything. All my life people told me, "You should be a writer!!" And I thought I would be. But my passion for history really became a bright flame and overshadowed the writing. History is still a great love, but I have others left over from childhood: art, writing, the environment, travel, fighting injustices, and celebrating diversity. I'm LGBTQ+. So I worked in different jobs, including nonprofits. Then I was disabled, and I have had to focus on getting well.


2 years ago
@Eager2Color But I never stopped learning. The world is full of education and knowledge, mind blowing stuff, if you only take the time. Don't let your world stay small. Remember that few things and people are what they seem at first glance, because everything is complicated and layered. What are the motivations? What are the consequences? And so much is about MONEY. Or love. I still think about writing a book. I have contacts who are published authors, some are quite famous.